There is a law of thinking and we are beginning to learn about it and it is like a computer. If you have this gorgeous computer put in front of you and you don't know what to do with it, it's a piece of junk. But if you learn the language of the computer miracles happen. And that is what the law of thinking is. When you learn how it works miracles happen.
What you think and what you believe it's what will come true for you. Your thoughts create your life. It's that simple and when we can get that we can make enormous changes. Once you understand only you can hold you back. You may not be able to stop yourself from feeling fear, but you can stop yourself from giving into it. You may not be able to stop yourself from failing but you can stop yourself from giving into it. It all comes down to how you react. It all comes down to what you decide you're going to do.
Jumping is scary. But let me tell you this. If you don't ever jump, your parachute will never open. You will never soar. Now you'll be safe, and you'll sit there with that parachute on your back, all them skills you've got and you'll have it packed away, and you'll never get cut up on the rocks. But if you do not jump, you will never soar. You may be the greatest to ever live, but you ain't gonna know unless you jump. Are you willing to be inconvenienced for your convictions?
And as you ramp up, as you ramp up, you're going to have questions. You're going to be afraid. I do more things afraid now than I do fear lists Because the bigger you play, the bigger your breakdown. Fear fuels you. Fear is informing you. It's not stopping you. You don't want to be secure, you want to be strong and you get strong by taking on optimal challenges.
And so you lay out your destiny in the world and you take the slings and arrows of fate and you make yourself stronger while you're doing so. And you might fail and fortune might do you in but it's your best bet. So you've got to have a goal, you've got to have a dream you gotta get hungry and then you gotta get real disciplined Because motivation will get you going a speech will get you fired up but discipline is going to give you the power to stay commited to whatever that goal is.
Let's suppose that there's a vast hugely powerful force that nobody can withstand. And this immense force is always active and in furious motion, it never rests. It's like a slowly flowing river that can eventually carved the grand canyon out of solid rock But that comparison doesn't really do it justice The force I'm talking about is much more formidable than any river or ocean or glacier or any other natural phenomenon .
Now in trying to achieve your life's goals would you prefer to fight against this great force? Would you want to struggle against this mighty power that has all the odds soverwhelmingly in it's favor or would you rather enlist this great power in your cause and make the inevitable work for you instead of against you?
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